Articles on: Booking Shipments

Shipping Instruction - Imports & FedEx Freight

This article serves as guide on how to request booking Imports, Freight Shipments as these shipment types cannot be booked on our TUNL platform.

Currently the following shipments can't be booked on our platform:

FedEx International Priority Freight Shipment (import or export) between 30kg's - 999kg's

We are working to add these to our platform. In the meantime, we can book these on your behalf.

Please fill in this shipping instruction:

Once the form is completed, we'll contact you with a quote and will book your shipment on your behalf if you'd like to proceed.

Please note, shipment bookings take at least one business day.

Keywords: Imports | Heavy Shipments | Freight Shipments

Updated on: 11/02/2025

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