Articles on: Supplies

TUNL Packaging Supplies

How do I order packaging/stationery as a merchant?

At TUNL, we make it easy for merchants to get the necessary stationery for shipping. This includes:

Grey Unbranded Plastic Flyer/Mailer Bags (Small, Medium and Large)
Document Holder / Waybill Sleeve
Tunl Tape

Here’s everything you need to know:

Complimentary first order

New merchants receive their first order of stationery for free.

The pricing for our flyer bags is as follows:

Small Flyer Bag (25cmx35cmx5cm): R1.72
Medium Flyer Bag (37cmx44cmx5cm): R2.86
Large Flyer Bag (46cmx60cmx5cm): R3.39
Document holder / Waybill Sleeve: R1.07
TUNL Tape (15 meters) : R24.20

Shipping costs:

Small Orders: No shipping charge for orders that can be picked up or dropped off (PUDO).
Larger Orders: Shipping charges apply for same-day delivery or Uber services.

You are welcome to use your own packaging and can visit the following places for some supplies:

Paper packaging:
Merrypak custom packaging:

We also have FedEx labelled packaging available - please reach out if you would like to order FedEx labelled packaging

To order packing supplies, email Our team will organise the package and send you an invoice.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support team. We're here to help!

Important note for artists
Artist who previously shipped printed artworks in cylindrical tubes must order triangle FedEx tubes from us to avoid a new additional handling charge from FedEx specific to cylindrical art tubes that are not able to stack or go on conveyor belts.

Updated on: 15/10/2024

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