Woocommerce Rates Integration
How do I add TUNL rates to my Woocommerce Store? Do you have an integration?
You can use the Octolize App to quickly add our rates to your Woocommerce store. Here is a guide:
Important to note:
Please ensure that each product has a weight (with a buffer i.e if 0.2kg make it 0.4kg) for our rates to load as this is used to calculate rates
Octolize is a third party provider and charge $49 per year for their plugin
If you would like to practice on a demo store before adding to your store, you can create a demo store here: https://demo.octolize.com/
Step 1: Purchase and Install Octolize
Go to https://octolize.com/product/flexible-import-export-shipping-methods-woocommerce/ to get the "Flexible Shipping Import / Export WooCommerce" plugin.
Here is a guide from Octolize to get the plugin onto your Woocommerce store: https://octolize.com/docs/article/flexible-shipping-import-export-for-woocommerce/?utm_source=fsie&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=product-page-docs
Use promo code: TUNL to get a 10% discount on the purchase of Flexible Shipping Import / Export plugin. The code is valid until the end of 2023.
Step 2: Open Zone Chart and Download Relevant Zones
Open the Zone chart (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_MEcVZB9_qR2ZUulQ8JvdGlECb5O3aVLCrKGoUM1MkA/edit?usp=sharing) and CSV rates for each zone (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TR04mdrFtW-ml2TZzsbyR22DfB-lNNup?usp=sharing)
Step 3: Watch the following video and follow along to add rates
Please ensure that Tax is not added onto your shipping as rates at checkout will increase. Ensure it is unselected for each shipping zone.
Keywords: Woocommerce | Octolize | Rates | Integration
Updated on: 15/10/2024
Thank you!